Sunday, 25 January 2009

The Score

Back on January 2nd 2008 I posted my list of New Year Resolutions and Hopes. So it's time to take a look back, reflect and see how things panned out for me in 2008.

1. Find THE woman. Not A woman.

CHECK! Not only did I find her - we're getting married in less than a month's time and we've also learnt we have a baby on the way! Quite frankly, after that nothing much else matters. But onto the rest regardless...

2. Souths win number 21.

NOPE! This was a long-shot. One I hope for every year, and will be hoping for yet again in 2009. Go Souths!!

3. Either make living in this town more rewarding, or finally surrender and move to the inner city of Sydney.

SORTA! Well, I did leave for greener pastures, but I didn't surrender either. Melbourne is a happy medium. It provides me with a quality of life similar to that in the Blue Mountains, whilst avoiding the rushed feel and negativity I've always associated with Sydney.

4. Finish my genealogical novel.

NOPE! I didn't finish, but I didn't stand still either. I have delved deeper into the source material than I had previously thought possible and it has lead me to new twists and turns in my writing. Now all I need is more free time.

5. Be a little easier on my brother.

YEP. Now all that's left is for him to be a bit tougher on himself!

6. Learn to play flight of the bumblebee on trumpet, and sound good at it.

NOPE. And living in the city where I can't escape to the bush to practice, I think I'll keep that one on the backburner. Perhaps learning piano (electric and with headphones) might be the better option.