Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Lookin' kinda campy..

New Year's Eve Party - Webby and I.

Goodbye 2007 and hello to whatever number comes next. Here is what I want to happen this year:

1. Find THE woman. Not A woman.
2. Souths win number 21.
3. Either make living in this town more rewarding, or finally surrender and move to the inner city of Sydney.
4. Finish my genealogical novel.
5. Be a little easier on my brother.
6. Learn to play flight of the bumblebee on trumpet, and sound good at it.


mel said...

Happy New Year, mate! :)

Mabs said...

I still reckon you should come overseas with me :P

Hope 2008 is all you want it to be.

MyrtleKBracegirdle said...

Work it Baby work it, own